Using Custom SQL Logins

If you used FinJinni to install or configure SQL Server shared access, you have already entered the following information.

Normally, SQL Server Express uses the “Windows” method of authentication, which allows full access from the user that installed it.

If you are using multiple users or a network server other than your PC, FinJinni will prompt for authentication when it is needed.

For convenience, you can setup defaults for SQL access from both FinJinni and Excel. Excel users only need read access to the database so you can secure the database in a multi-user environment.

To setup defaults, use the      button to display the database maintenance selections and choose “Setup Database Login Defaults”. This screen will display:

The default server is “.\SQLEXPRESS” for a standard single-user installation. You can enter a network server name instead. In this example, “Server1” is a separate network server.

Note: The user names must be created as SQL Server logins. “myusername” needs to have db_creator role-privileges, plus permission to view logins (see below). “exceluser” needs only to have the “public” role. FinJinni will automatically add “exceluser” as a “db_datareader” user-login to each database.

If you have setup “myusername” with SQL Server admin. privileges, you do not need this last step. Otherwise, to add the permission to view logins, run this SQL command from a user with sysadmin privileges:

USE master