Business-Critical Reports

Our customers range from a global healthcare company to a painting contractor. Whether you have a 2 person office or a 200 person office or even a virtual one, you can trust FinJinni to get the reports and data you need from QuickBooks.

Budget Case Studies

List of Standard Reports

Consolidated financials, trends

Multiple companies, multiple-period (Year/Month/Quarter, etc) comparison

Customizable chart of accounts, customizable formatting

Comparative reports by customer, vendor, class, etc. and Top-n reports

Payments comparisons: bills, invoices and their payments

What was bought, sold, and paid for

AR/AP Aging and Days-to-Pay reports

Custom cash-flow calculations

Commisions and bonus calculations

Sales-rep commissions based on sales and payment calculations

Employee bonuses based on profit and time-worked

Inventory status and predictions

Inventory in stock, including sites/lots/bins

Inventory needed for orders, including assembly builds

Match up of inventory purchases and sales

Age calculations and turn-over, estimating future needs

Non-monthly fiscal years

4-4-5 or 13x4 accounting periods without changing QuickBooks setup

Reporting by week or fiscal period

Advanced job reporting, track contracts, grants etc.

Work-in-progress reporting for jobs, estimates vs actuals with billing and payments

Multi-year contract and grant tracking

Importing data into QuickBooks and FinJinni

Create transactions (e.g. checks, deposits) from bank statements

Create sales orders from data files or PDFs

>Budget in Excel, report against QuickBooks actuals

Monthly Closing

FinJinni can produce a complete workbook summarizing financials, sales and purchases, etc.

Refresh monthly with the click of a button.

Data from outside of QuickBooks

FinJinni's reports have all the power of Excel and can combine QuickBooks data with non-QuickBooks data, such as information downloaded from a Sales/CRM system.