Excel Extension Functions for SQL Access

If you are familiar with SQL programming and Excel Macros, you can create programmable queries and access data with Excel Macros or Formula functions. FinJinni adds the following functions to Excel:

SQL-Access Excel Functions

=FJ.READSQL(“Query name”, Server/Database, SQL-command, Dummy/Refresh)

Reads a result set from a SQL database into Excel memory for access from other locations. ).

The first parameter is a unique query name used to identify this query.

The second parameter is the server name followed by a “/” and the database name.

The third parameter is the complete SQL command, which must be either a SELECT statement or an EXEC command that returns a result set.

The fourth parameter is not used by this function but can be used to force Excel to refresh the query: A query is only refreshed when one of its parameters changes. This parameter can be any data type but is most useful as a numeric value that is incremented by a macro, e.g. using a refresh button.

Note: The server must be registered with the FinJinni add-in before it can be accessed.

=FJ.GETCELL(query-cell-address, row, column) 

Reads a single cell value from the result set for the referenced SQL query. The cell-address refers to a FJ.READSQL function. The row and column numbers start with 1.

=FJ.GETCOLUMN(query-cell-address, column) 

Returns an entire column from the result set for the referenced SQL query. The return value is an array. 

=FJ.GETROW(query-cell-address, row) 

Returns an entire row from the result set for the referenced SQL query. The return value is an array. 

Returns an entire row


Returns the number of rows in the result set for the referenced SQL query.


Returns the number of columns in the result set for the referenced SQL query.


If you want to query a single account’s balance as of the current date, you could either pick the result out of a table or you can program a SQL command to run and retrieve the single value desired. To set this up, I am using cells A1-D2 in an example spreadsheet:

A1       =YEAR(TODAY())&”-01-01″

B1        =TEXT(TODAY(),”YYYY-MM-DD”)

C1        = company ID value from FinJinni

D1       = account number

A2       = server/database, e.g. “.\sqlexpress/qbtestdb”

B2        = SQL command formula as follows:

=”select sum(balance) as Balance from vBalanceSheet where company_id = ‘” &$C1& “‘

and account_number = ‘” &$D1& “‘ and trans_date between ‘” &$A$1& “‘ and ‘” &$B$1&  “‘ ”

C2        = formula to retrieve SQL results: =FJ.READSQL(“Q1”,$A$2,$B$2,2)

D2       = formula to read single result value: =FJ.GETCELL(C2,1,1)

Note: Use the FinJinni Query Builder to find which tables/views need to be referenced to retrieve a value. 

General-Purpose Excel Functions  


Conditionally hides the column containing this formula. If “value” evaluates to a nonzero number, the column is hidden. If “value” evaluates to zero, the column is visible. 


Conditionally hides the row containing this formula. If “value” evaluates to a nonzero number, the row is hidden. If “value” evaluates to zero, the row is visible.