Customizing Query Styles

FinJinni provides a setup file that you can modify to alter the styles applied to query results in Excel. You can modify the following styles:

  1. The default number format used for numeric fields.
  2. The default table style (color and shading).
  3. A default highlight color for subtotal rows.

To change any of these, open the file [Documents]\My Templates\FinJinni\Query Styles.xml in Notepad. “[Documents]” is your documents folder. You will see these lines:


TableStyle=”Medium 2″


You can change the number format using standard Excel formatting syntax.

The table style is one of the names under Format as Table in Excel.

The “SubtotalRowFill” is the default color to use when subtotaling. The “no” prefix here disables the color selection, remove it to enable the default color. You can also change the color for an individual query using the Fields selection screen.

Do not change any of the other lines in this file, they are needed for proper formatting.