FinJinni Report Columns

The tables below lists the fields present in the Query builder when you select the “Fields:” link on the Query Builder screen or “- Columns” on the Excel ribbon bar:

In general columns are named by entity. Specifically:

Account_* Accounts
Class_* Classes
Customer_* Customers
Employee_* Employees
Job_* Customer Jobs (children of Customers)
SalesRep_* Sales Reps
Vendor_* Vendors

Many of the “_*” values are common to all entities in which they appear. Specifically:

_ID Current database key (integer). Note that this can change when the database is reloaded.
_SelectID Permanent database key (integer), always assigned to this entity in the current company file. Will not change when the database is reloaded. This is used for selecting entities in filters and can be used for combining reports.
_Name Entity name. For hierarchical entities, this is the child name.
_Full_Name Entity full name, as parent:child.
_Number A number that represents this entity, when assigned. Used for Account, Customer, Vendor, etc.
_Description Description
_Sub_Level Level in hierarchy
_Special_Type A sub-type value
_Type Entity type, varies with entities. (i.e. item_type is different from account_type).
_First_Name Self-explanatory
_Last_Name Self-explanatory
_Phone Self-explanatory
_Email Self-explanatory
_Fax Self-explanatory

Also, field names ending “_Addr”, “_City”, “_Phone”, “_State”, “_Zip”, “_First_Name”, “_Last_Name”, etc. are self-explanatory and are not further described here..

Numeric value columns are used by transactions:

Credit Always the credit amount
Debit Always the debit amount
Net A “Net” value than can be summed in tables. Positive for income and asset accounts, negative for expense and liability accounts. On the GL, this is Credit-Debit for P&L accounts and Debit-Credit for Balance Sheet accounts.
Amount A “Net Positive” amount suitable for use as an account balance. Credit-Debit for income and liability accounts, Debit-Credit for expense and asset accounts.
Balance Same as “Amount”.
Income Income amount for sales-related reports (basically Credit)
Expense Expense amount for purchase-related reports (basically Debit).
Cogs Cost of sales amount
Unit_Price Unit price for items
Gross_Profit Income – Cogs on sales reports where applicable
SalesTax Sales tax where applicable
Count Usually the number of transactions (not items)

The most important transaction and transaction-date columns are:

Trans_Date The transaction date
Cal_Year The calendar year of this date
Fiscal_Year The fiscal year of this date
Cal/Fiscal_Mon The calendar or fiscal month of this date
Cal/Fiscal_Yr_Mon Combined year and month as “yyyy-mm”
Cal_Week Week of calendar year, as “yyyy-Wnn”
Trans_Number QuickBooks transaction number
Trans_Sequence Sequence number for line items
Trans_Type Transaction type description
Trans_Table Database table in which transaction appears (e.g. “Bills”)
Trans_ID Current database key for Trans_Table
REF# Reference number from transaction

The complete column list in alphabetic order starts on the next page. Columns already described above will have the description “*”.

A note on reporting of SalesReps

A sales rep can be identified on many transactions in QuickBooks Desktop, but not all transactions. If a sales rep is not identified in a transaction but a customer/job is identified, the sales rep assigned to the job will be used for reporting. One example of where this is used is for payroll expenses assigned to a job. 

If you use customers and jobs, only the sales-rep assigned to the job will be used.

You can use the SalesRep_IsDefault field to detect whether the transaction (‘0’ value) or job field (‘1’ value) is used and to filter by it using the custom filter feature.

Column Name Description
Account_Category General account category. One of: Assets, Expense, Income, Liabilities and Equities
Account_Description Account number + name
Account_ID *
Account_Level1 through _Level5 These fields provide the complete account hierarchy, Level1 is the lowest level and is the same as “Account_Description”. Level2 is the next level up and is the same as “Account_Parent”.
Account_Name *
Account_Number *
Account_Order Order of account on P&L or B.S. Used to insure proper order for Income/Expense & Asset/Liability.
Account_SelectID *
Account_Sign A +1/-1 indicator of the account type used for posting calculations: -1 for income and liabilities/equity, +1 for expense and assets.
Account_Type *
Addr1 *
Addr2 *
Addr3 *
Age Age (days) for aging reports
Age_By30 Age group as 30,60,90, etc.
Age_Group Age group with max=120
Age_Range Age group name for reports
Alt_Contact Contact name
Alt_Phone Contact phone
Amount *
ARAmount AR Amount for some reports
Assembly_ID Item assembly database key
Assembly_Name Item assembly name
Assembly_Type Item assembly type
Asset_Account Asset account for item
Average_Cost Average cost for item
Balance *
Balance_Remaining For transactions that maintain a remaining balance or for which FinJinni can calculate a remaining balance, this is the value.
Bill_Addr1 *
Bill_Addr2 *
Bill_Addr3 *
Bill_City *
Bill_country *
Bill_State *
Bill_Zip *
Cal_Qtr *
Cal_Week *
Cal_Year *
Cal_Yr_Mon *
City Address field
Class_Code “U” for unassigned class, else “N”
Class_Full_Name *
Class_ID *
Class_Name *
Class_SelectID *
Cogs *
Cogs_Account Cogs account for items
Company_ID Company Identifier (aka “nickname” or “extract name”)
Company_Name Company Name
Contact Contact name
Count *
Country Contact address
Created_Date Date entity or transaction was created
Credit *
Credit_Limit Credit Limit
Customer_Full_Name *
Customer_Balance Current balance maintained by QuickBooks
Customer_Company_Name Company name
Customer_Contact Contact name
Customer_Created_Date Date customer entry was created
Customer_ID *
Customer_Name *
Customer_Number *
Customer_SalesRep_Name Sales-rep assigned to this customer
Customer_SalesRep_Initial *
Customer_SalesRep_SelectID Unique identifier used to select sales-rep
Customer_SelectID *
Customer_Total_Balance Total balance maintained by QuickBooks
Customer_Type *
Debit *
DebitOrCredit In sales & purchases reports, 1 for debit, -1 for credit
Department Employee dept.
Description Transaction description (usually line-item field)
Due_Date Date payment is due
Email *
Employee_Addr1 *
Employee_Addr2 *
Employee_Addr3 *
Employee_City *
Employee_Country *
Employee_First_Name *
Employee_ID *
Employee_Last_Name *
Employee_Middle_Name *
Employee_Name *
Employee_Number *
Employee_SelectID *
Employee_State *
Employee_Type *
Employee_Zip *
Entity_Number *
Entity_Type *
Expected_Date Date delivery is expected
Expense *
Fax *
First_Name *
Fiscal_Month *
Fiscal_Qtr *
Fiscal_Year *
Fiscal_Yr_Mon *
Gross_Profit *
InCashBasis Whether GL transaction appears in cash reports: “0” never, “1” both accrual and cash, “2” cash only, “3” cash adjustment.
Income *
Income_Account Account for item
Invoice_Number Invoice # on AR reports
IsActive Whether entity is active
IsClosed Whether a sales order is closed
IsCogs Whether a GL transaction line is Cogs
IsCredit Whether a transaction is a credit transaction
IsInvoiced Whether a sales order has been invoiced
IsReceived Whether a PO was received
IsRIExpense Whether this is a reimbursed expense transaction item
IsRollOver Whether this is a roll-over between years (see notes)
IsSale Whether this is a sales transaction (included in sales reports)
IsSalesItem Whether this is a purchased item for resale
IsTotal Whether this transaction line is the total
Item_Account *
Item_Assembly_Name Assembly name to which item belongs
Item_Assembly_Type Assembly type
Item_Average_Cost Average cost reported by QuickBooks
Item_Description *
Item_Full_Name *
Item_ID *
Item_InSales Whether this is an item sold
Item_IsActive *
Item_IsTaxable Whether the item is taxable
Item_Name *
Item_Preferred_Vendor_Name Preferred vendor
Item_Preferred_Vendor_Number Preferred vendor
Item_Preferred_Vendor_SelectID Preferred vendor unique id for selection
Item_Purchase_Cost Purchase cost
Item_Purchase_Description *
Item_Quantity_On_Hand Current quantity reported by QuickBooks
Item_Quantity_On_Order Current quantity reported by QuickBooks
Item_Quantity_On_SalesOrder Current quantity reported by QuickBooks
Item_Sales_Description *
Item_Sales_Price Sales price
Item_SelectID *
Item_Special_Type *
Item_Type *
Item_Sub_Level *
Item_Asset_Account_* Fields for an item that has an asset account defined
Item_Cogs_Account_* Fields for an item that has a cogs account defined
Item_Expense_Account_* Fields for an item that has an expense account defined
Item_Income_Account_* Fields for an item that has an income account defined
Job Job name on reports
Job_Full_Name *
Job_ID *
Job_Name *
Job_Number *
Job_SelectID *
Job_Status Job status
Job_Type *
Last_Name *
Link_Trans_QBID When one transaction is linked to another, such as a payment applied to a transaction, this will be populated with the Trans_QBID field of the transaction to which the payment applies.  Note: At present, this field is only set for Bill payments and Received payments.
Link_Trans_Type When one transaction is linked to another, this is the type of the transaction being linked to, e.g. “Invoice” or “Bill”.
Location_Full_Name For QuickBooks Online, this is the department/location full name (parent:child format).
Location_Name For QuickBooks Online, this is the department/location name (parent or child name only).
Location_Parent_Name For QuickBooks Online, this is the department/location parent name when the location is a child element.
Location_SelectID Unique ID used for selection
Memo Transaction memo field
Net *
Paid_Through_Date Payroll date
Payment_Method The payment method name for a transaction
Payroll_Item Payroll item
Phone *
PO_Number PO Number
Posting_Sign *
Preferred_Vendor Preferred Vendor for item
Purchase_Cost Purchase cost for item
Quantity *
Quantity_On_Hand Qty for item
Quantity_On_Order Qty for item
Quantity_On_SalesOrder Qty for item
Received_Quantity Qty for item
REF# *
Sales_Description Description for item
Sales_Price Price for item
SalesRep_IsDefault “0” if sales rep is assigned on transaction, “1” if this is the default rep. for a customer
SalesRep_ID *
SalesRep_Initial Initials
SalesRep_Name *
SalesRep_SelectID *
SalesRep_Type “Employee” or “Vendor”
SalesTax *
SaleType “Sale”, “NoCharge”, “Purchase”, or “Credit”
Ship_Addr1 *
Ship_Addr2 *
Ship_Addr3 *
Ship_City *
Ship_Country *
Ship_Date *
Ship_State *
Ship_Zip *
Special_Type Item type
State *
Sub_Level Entity level in hierarchy
Total *
Total_Balance *
Total_Due *
Trans_Date *
Trans_ID *
Trans_Message Customer or Vendor message for a transaction
Trans_Number *
Trans_QBID This is the QuickBooks unique identifier for a transaction.
Trans_Sequence *
Trans_Table *
Trans_SubType A sub-type to identify each transaction posting on the GL. For example, “Total” would be the transaction total, while “Item” would identify a line item, “Expense” would identify an expense item, and so on.
Trans_Type The transaction-type, e.g. “Bill”, “Check”, “Invoice”.
Unbilled_Quantity From PO
Unit_Price *
Vendor_Account *
Vendor_Balance Current balance maintained by QuickBooks
Vendor_Created_Date Date customer entry was created
Vendor_Full_Name *
Vendor_ID *
Vendor_Name *
Vendor_Number *
Vendor_SelectID *
Vendor_Type *
Zip *