
Budgeting Samples

Budgets created in QuickBooks are very limited. FinJinni now makes it possible for you to create your budgets in Excel and import the data into FinJinni. You can compare your budget with actuals from QuickBooks and budget by department, sales-rep, and other criteria, and create multi-year budgets.

** Importing budgets into FinJinni requires the purchase of the FinJinni Importer add-on.

This is a sample budget created in Excel that shows budgeting by customer, sales-rep, class, and department. FinJinni's reports will compare this to actuals from QuickBooks.

For the complete sample and instructions on how to create budgets in Excel, contact us.

This is a sample report showing the actual vs. budget totals by sales-rep.

This is a different, formatted report that shows budget vs. actual for the month and ytd. Prior-year comparisons are also available.

This is a sample which shows actual and total budget amounts with actuals broken down by month. This format is frequently needed for grant budgeting and supports multi-year budgets.

Compare budget vs. actual with current year and month, prior year and prior year same month.

This report can be found under Financial Queries, Budget Reports